In Klaus Brandl’s article, he mentioned that the popularity of using Internet in recent decade. Internet is not just for student to idling around, but is a good resource for both teachers and students to learn well and conveniently. As the promotion of Internet, the WWW world is just like a treasury of knowledge. The class could even be held on the Internet in any kinds of way. Like in Second Life, it’s also a miracle of the development of Internet. The students could be the players and had the meeting with teacher online. The Internet now could provide many techniques for learners to learn online, including voice and text, even the visual aspect.
Due to the development of Internet, that enables teachers to have alternatives on their lectures. The author divided the ways into three parts. It is a approach from teacher to student-centered process. First is “teacher-determined lesson”. Namely, the teacher would select the materials for students to learn and lecture by the teacher himself/herself. The students just accept what teachers teach them. In my opinion, most students would be passive if they get used to accept new knowledge.
The second process is “teacher facilitated lesson”. That is the teachers assign a certain topics and select some of the materials for students to read and listen.
In this way, students would try to realize the texts themselves that would enforce them to think instead of just accepting by others. That would increase the interactions between the teachers and the students for they both got some ideas to share with each other.
The third approach is “students-determined lesson”. For instance, the final project of online English learning is kind of this approach. The students decided their own topics of the project. And collect the materials according to their themes. The teacher now just provides the guidance for the searching of materials on the Internet. This would give students much more freedom to choose what they are really interested in.
Before the promotion of internet, the way tends to be “teacher-determined lesson” because of the laggard access of information. The approach is just like the process of Internet development.
2008年12月31日 星期三
Online text-based facility
When playing a role in Second Life, I met a lot of people from the countries around the world. The common language we use to communicate is English. Some are native speakers of English but some are not. When we were in the conversation, I found that I tended to use those sentences “Do you mean…?” or “What do you mean by…?” These are kinds of negotiate of meaning. When there was something I don’t understand I would keep asking until I figure it out.
English is not the language we use in our daily life, thus it would generate some misunderstands during the conversations, both for native and non-native speakers. Text chat through the Internet is a good way for learner to improve the language and do the peer interaction when chatting with another. In these situations, the learners would work hard to figure out the real meanings so that he/she could avoid the misunderstandings due to the use of language.
However, a thing always gets two sides. When the learners are chatting online in the text chat room, the number of speakers is a big problem. People could not afford to talk to too many speakers at the same time. Indeed the effects would decrease when the numbers are over than someone could bear. According to the research, two to five is the average.
Despites text chat room, E-mail message is one of the text-based facilities. It is convenient to make the content more complete and the system would take the record for the learners. However there comes a big problem that I always get is that people would not make sure whether the receiver would get the mail or not.
Online text-based facilities now become a new good way for language learners to get resources online, because they would contact with many other learners, so that they would start to think what the correct answers is. Finding out the mistakes is find of learning itself.
When playing a role in Second Life, I met a lot of people from the countries around the world. The common language we use to communicate is English. Some are native speakers of English but some are not. When we were in the conversation, I found that I tended to use those sentences “Do you mean…?” or “What do you mean by…?” These are kinds of negotiate of meaning. When there was something I don’t understand I would keep asking until I figure it out.
English is not the language we use in our daily life, thus it would generate some misunderstands during the conversations, both for native and non-native speakers. Text chat through the Internet is a good way for learner to improve the language and do the peer interaction when chatting with another. In these situations, the learners would work hard to figure out the real meanings so that he/she could avoid the misunderstandings due to the use of language.
However, a thing always gets two sides. When the learners are chatting online in the text chat room, the number of speakers is a big problem. People could not afford to talk to too many speakers at the same time. Indeed the effects would decrease when the numbers are over than someone could bear. According to the research, two to five is the average.
Despites text chat room, E-mail message is one of the text-based facilities. It is convenient to make the content more complete and the system would take the record for the learners. However there comes a big problem that I always get is that people would not make sure whether the receiver would get the mail or not.
Online text-based facilities now become a new good way for language learners to get resources online, because they would contact with many other learners, so that they would start to think what the correct answers is. Finding out the mistakes is find of learning itself.
Voice chat generate more repair moves
Jespon, K. (2005). Conservations--and negotiated interaction--in text and voice chat rooms.
When we discover there is something wrong when chatting with other people, what would people mostly do? In Kevin Jepson’s experiment, the members were divided to take two kinds of chat room: text chat and voice chat. And the results found that voice chat would generate more repair moves.
Both text chat room and voice chat room are the online tools that enable people to chat with strangers. In other words, the participants would not know the background of those people in the chat room. Here is the question that because of the reasons that the participants are not familiar to each other, the participants would reconstruct the inner code between their conversations. It is quite different when we talk to someone that is totally a stranger to us than talking to a friend. The conversations between friends would not generate more repair moves than the conversations between strangers. There may be some mistakes but we could still understand the meanings the speakers want to convey because the interlocutors and the speakers got the consensus of the code in a certain degree. But as to the strangers, the speakers would spend more time to confirm the meanings.
In voice chat, the speakers would hear the sounds of each other, which would increase the number of repair moves. The voice chat would not take the record during the process, unlike the text chat, the words would show on the screen and the speakers could go back to check the sentences again. And there may be some problems of pronunciation.
The key point is that the speakers are faceless so that people would not dare to make sure what the exactly meaning is. And due to the aspect of technique, the equipment would play a key role that affect the result of repair moves.
When we discover there is something wrong when chatting with other people, what would people mostly do? In Kevin Jepson’s experiment, the members were divided to take two kinds of chat room: text chat and voice chat. And the results found that voice chat would generate more repair moves.
Both text chat room and voice chat room are the online tools that enable people to chat with strangers. In other words, the participants would not know the background of those people in the chat room. Here is the question that because of the reasons that the participants are not familiar to each other, the participants would reconstruct the inner code between their conversations. It is quite different when we talk to someone that is totally a stranger to us than talking to a friend. The conversations between friends would not generate more repair moves than the conversations between strangers. There may be some mistakes but we could still understand the meanings the speakers want to convey because the interlocutors and the speakers got the consensus of the code in a certain degree. But as to the strangers, the speakers would spend more time to confirm the meanings.
In voice chat, the speakers would hear the sounds of each other, which would increase the number of repair moves. The voice chat would not take the record during the process, unlike the text chat, the words would show on the screen and the speakers could go back to check the sentences again. And there may be some problems of pronunciation.
The key point is that the speakers are faceless so that people would not dare to make sure what the exactly meaning is. And due to the aspect of technique, the equipment would play a key role that affect the result of repair moves.
2008年12月10日 星期三
As a newbie in Second Life, at first I just went to the places that the teacher told in the class. But actually that is not enough for me to satisfy my curiosity. When I was fooling around in the beautiful campus of Princeton University, a message was sent to me. It was cherry’s invitation for me to teleport to her place. That is indeed a wonderful function in Second Life, whenever you got lost from your friends, you would be saved by this function.
Cherry just called me and wanted to say hello, she suggested me that going to Freebie Beach where I can get more free clothes there. She told me that in SL, the outlook is very important. See, that’s a new me!

I met a man in sexy land, he just opening a club, he asked me if i would like to work for him or not. The job is dancers and escorts. But I think he can’t speak English very well. But I did not give any repair moves because he looked a little bit strange. So I chose to teleport to other place. If he looked good, maybe I would reconsider. Here I agree one thing :It’s true that appearance is important for a people in SL.

Domagoj Hofmann: are you looking for a job ?
wienie Sweetwater: no actually
wienie Sweetwater: just being here to take a look
Domagoj Hofmann: Iam openning a club today
Domagoj Hofmann: I need dancers and escorts
wienie Sweetwater: but i'm not a good dancer
Domagoj Hofmann: I have poles for that
wienie Sweetwater: actually i'm a newbie in SL
wienie Sweetwater: gotta go, bye
In Second Life, the problems I might meet so far is that the speed of typing English is quite slow that I could not follow the speakers of local chat. And some the text chat would just used simply a word or several words to stand for a long word or for special meanings. I think I should get used to it and learn how to used this simple words so that I would improve in typing. In SL, we almost are in the environment of text chat. In general situation, the number of repair moves in text chat is far less than in voice chat. But I think in SL, because of the reason that we are not familiar with the people who talked to us, so that we would use many repair moves to make sure what do they mean it by talking this way.
In Second Life, I can choose to be myself or to be a totally different one because nobody would know which is the real characteristic. There are no social constraints in SL. People there could somehow throw away those so called “morality”. You can be any kind of person you want. That’s what we cannot do in the reality.
Cherry just called me and wanted to say hello, she suggested me that going to Freebie Beach where I can get more free clothes there. She told me that in SL, the outlook is very important. See, that’s a new me!

I met a man in sexy land, he just opening a club, he asked me if i would like to work for him or not. The job is dancers and escorts. But I think he can’t speak English very well. But I did not give any repair moves because he looked a little bit strange. So I chose to teleport to other place. If he looked good, maybe I would reconsider. Here I agree one thing :It’s true that appearance is important for a people in SL.

Domagoj Hofmann: are you looking for a job ?
wienie Sweetwater: no actually
wienie Sweetwater: just being here to take a look
Domagoj Hofmann: Iam openning a club today
Domagoj Hofmann: I need dancers and escorts
wienie Sweetwater: but i'm not a good dancer
Domagoj Hofmann: I have poles for that
wienie Sweetwater: actually i'm a newbie in SL
wienie Sweetwater: gotta go, bye
In Second Life, the problems I might meet so far is that the speed of typing English is quite slow that I could not follow the speakers of local chat. And some the text chat would just used simply a word or several words to stand for a long word or for special meanings. I think I should get used to it and learn how to used this simple words so that I would improve in typing. In SL, we almost are in the environment of text chat. In general situation, the number of repair moves in text chat is far less than in voice chat. But I think in SL, because of the reason that we are not familiar with the people who talked to us, so that we would use many repair moves to make sure what do they mean it by talking this way.
In Second Life, I can choose to be myself or to be a totally different one because nobody would know which is the real characteristic. There are no social constraints in SL. People there could somehow throw away those so called “morality”. You can be any kind of person you want. That’s what we cannot do in the reality.
2008年12月9日 星期二
Fooling around
The time I used to log in SL is always at the mid night; actually there are not many people here. Tonight I just came and fooling around. I key in the words “island” and search. That popped an interesting place called “sexy island”.
I teleported to that place and took a look on the basis of curiosity; In Sexy Island, people can danced there and buy a lot of outfits there. But the outfits are associated with sexual desire because they are too sexy!
People there are good at dancing. It was amazing that they could move, dance and do the actions just like the real person.

I teleported to that place and took a look on the basis of curiosity; In Sexy Island, people can danced there and buy a lot of outfits there. But the outfits are associated with sexual desire because they are too sexy!
People there are good at dancing. It was amazing that they could move, dance and do the actions just like the real person.

The Online Meeting
After the first look in Second Life, our group had to meet the TA of Online English in Second Life. There are four girls in my group, Amanda, Cherry, Iris and me. Thanks that we had to discuss our final project before the meeting, we decided to meet each other at Princeton University. That is a beautiful, I wonder whether the real Princeton is such beautiful or not.
Because we were all newbies in SL, so we looked just like the original model that we selected at the first, and I even lost my outfits. So when we met each other, we were all busy in changing our out looks.
The meeting with TA was so cool that real people can sat together, discussing and chatting without going out but just control a virtual character and can do a lot of things. During the meeting, Iris could not figure out how to sit, she tried many times and even sat on my body!
TA: Iris, Don’t be brutal to your classmate! Are you ok, Wienie?
Wienie: haha, quite hurt
Actually, I did not feel anything at that time cause the virtual would not tell me that she was hurt! This was my first experience of taking class on line. Though the use text chat in English is not so proficiency as the use of voice chat, it’s still a gorgeous meeting! And it’s quite strange that while we were having our chat, Derek was sleeping right on the rostrum…
After the meeting, Amanda, Cherry and me went to Freebie Heaven to check whether there are any goods to get. When we finished our shopping, a man came to Amanda and me.
“Do you know how to have sex in second life?”
We both did not know how to responds just simply said
“No, I don’t know. I’m newbie here”
Well, may be it’s a goal in second life, when we got more familiar with Second Life, maybe that’s the thing we can try!
Because we were all newbies in SL, so we looked just like the original model that we selected at the first, and I even lost my outfits. So when we met each other, we were all busy in changing our out looks.
The meeting with TA was so cool that real people can sat together, discussing and chatting without going out but just control a virtual character and can do a lot of things. During the meeting, Iris could not figure out how to sit, she tried many times and even sat on my body!
TA: Iris, Don’t be brutal to your classmate! Are you ok, Wienie?
Wienie: haha, quite hurt
Actually, I did not feel anything at that time cause the virtual would not tell me that she was hurt! This was my first experience of taking class on line. Though the use text chat in English is not so proficiency as the use of voice chat, it’s still a gorgeous meeting! And it’s quite strange that while we were having our chat, Derek was sleeping right on the rostrum…
After the meeting, Amanda, Cherry and me went to Freebie Heaven to check whether there are any goods to get. When we finished our shopping, a man came to Amanda and me.
“Do you know how to have sex in second life?”
We both did not know how to responds just simply said
“No, I don’t know. I’m newbie here”
Well, may be it’s a goal in second life, when we got more familiar with Second Life, maybe that’s the thing we can try!
2008年12月2日 星期二
First Try in SL
I choose Second Life to be the following online activity for it sounds more interesting than the other two options. Another reason is that the professor played Second Life in the class as demonstration for student to know the access to Second Life.
The first try of SL is the day before our first meeting with the TA in the SL. I down loaded the software and registered an account. Then started my “Second Life” adventures!
The appearance at first is not so beautiful and fashion as the other players in the SL, therefore I visit Freebie Heaven where the Professor suggested that we could get something good for free from there. “Teleport ” is a good function in SL, no matter where the player wants to go, just key in the words and search, you would be sent to your destination. After a lovely shopping in Freebie Heaven, I bought a plenty of clothes and could not wait to change my appearance; however I was not familiar with the functions in SL, when I took off my cloth and skirt, I could not wear on a new one. That’s really embarrassing because I could do nothing but just fooled around only with a black bra and black underwear. Finally I put on a white and a dark blue pants, but before I wore like a normal woman, there have been many strangers came to me and said something like that “Hello, sexy girl”.
The following picture is my appearance after put on clothes.

This is my first adventure in SL. It’s more than an online game; in SL there are many situations and things you would face as well as in the reality. And in SL, the player can also satisfied some of their desires and dreams that are impossible in the real life, such as “teleport”, I have been always thinking a thing like that!
The first try of SL is the day before our first meeting with the TA in the SL. I down loaded the software and registered an account. Then started my “Second Life” adventures!
The appearance at first is not so beautiful and fashion as the other players in the SL, therefore I visit Freebie Heaven where the Professor suggested that we could get something good for free from there. “Teleport ” is a good function in SL, no matter where the player wants to go, just key in the words and search, you would be sent to your destination. After a lovely shopping in Freebie Heaven, I bought a plenty of clothes and could not wait to change my appearance; however I was not familiar with the functions in SL, when I took off my cloth and skirt, I could not wear on a new one. That’s really embarrassing because I could do nothing but just fooled around only with a black bra and black underwear. Finally I put on a white and a dark blue pants, but before I wore like a normal woman, there have been many strangers came to me and said something like that “Hello, sexy girl”.
The following picture is my appearance after put on clothes.

This is my first adventure in SL. It’s more than an online game; in SL there are many situations and things you would face as well as in the reality. And in SL, the player can also satisfied some of their desires and dreams that are impossible in the real life, such as “teleport”, I have been always thinking a thing like that!
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